Package y.geom

Provides classes for defining and performing operations related to two-dimensional geometry.


Interface Summary
IntersectionAlgorithm.IntersectionHandler An instance of this interface handles intersections found by the IntersectionAlgorithmr,
PlaneObject This interface describes a 2-dimensional object which has a finite bounding box.
YLineSegmentCursor This is an interface for a sequence of instances of LineSegment.
YPointCursor This is an interface for a sequence of instances of YPoint.

Class Summary
AffineLine This class represents a line in the 2D-dimensional affine space.
Angle This class is an helper for angle calculation.
Geom This class provides useful geometric primitives and advanced geometric algorithms.
IntersectionAlgorithm This class calculates the intersection of rectangles in the plane with the help of a sweep-line algorithm.
LineSegment This class represents a line segment in the plane.
Triangulator This class provides algorithms for the triangulation of point sets in the plane.
YCircle This class represents a circle in the plane.
YDimension This class represents the size of an object.
YPoint This class represents a point in the plane with double coordinates.
YPointPath This class represents an ordered list of points in the plane.
YRectangle This class defines a rectangle und provides utility methods for it.
YVector This class represents a vector in the 2-dimensional real vector space.

Package y.geom Description

Provides classes for defining and performing operations related to two-dimensional geometry.

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