Class HierarchicGraphParser

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HierarchicGraphParser
extends GraphParser

This class works together with HierarchyNodeParser and HierarchyEdgeParser instances. It can parse the .graph scope of a hierarchic graph gml file. It will store the mapping between folder ids (Integer) to element folder parsers in the graph.

Field Summary
protected  Map folderNodeId2Parser
          Used to associate a HierarchyNodeParser the the id of the group node that it needs to parse.
protected  Map gid2ChildMap
          Used to associate a NodeList containing the children of a group node with the id of that group node.
Fields inherited from class y.io.gml.GraphParser
graph, id2Edge, id2Node
Fields inherited from class y.io.gml.ItemParser
attributes, childMap, delegate, level
Constructor Summary
HierarchicGraphParser(Graph2D graph)
Method Summary
 void end()
          Groups the graph according to the grouping information that has been parsed.
Methods inherited from class y.io.gml.GraphParser
addAttribute, getId2Edge, getId2Node, getItem
Methods inherited from class y.io.gml.ItemParser
addChild, attribute, attribute, begin, beginScope, childFinished, endScope, getAttributes, getBoolean, getDouble, getDouble, getInt, getInt, getLevel, getString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Map folderNodeId2Parser
Used to associate a HierarchyNodeParser the the id of the group node that it needs to parse.


protected Map gid2ChildMap
Used to associate a NodeList containing the children of a group node with the id of that group node.

Constructor Detail


public HierarchicGraphParser(Graph2D graph)
Method Detail


public void end()
Groups the graph according to the grouping information that has been parsed.

end in class GraphParser

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