
Provides parser and encoder classes used by GMLIOHandler.


Interface Summary
EncoderFactory This interface is a factory for ObjectEncoders.
GMLTokenizer.Callback The interface used for the callback during parsing.
ObjectEncoder This Interface is implemented by classes that can encode certain object instances into a GML Stream using the GMLEncoder class
ParserFactory This is the interface which will be used by GMLIOHandler to query an appropriate Parser.

Class Summary
DefaultEncoderFactory This class is an implementation of the EncoderFactory interface.
DefaultHierarchicParserFactory This class is an implementation of the ParserFactory interface.
DefaultParserFactory This class is an implementation of the ParserFactory interface.
EdgeGraphicsParser This class is used by EdgeParser.
EdgeLabelGraphicsEncoder This class can encode EdgeLabels in valid GML
EdgeObjectEncoder This class is capable of encoding an Edge in valid gml format.
EdgeParser This class is used by GraphParser.
EdgeRealizerObjectEncoder This class is capable of encoding an Edge's EdgeRealizer in valid gml format.
GMLEncoder This class is a utility class for writing valid GML to a Writer
GmlObjectEncoder This class is capable of encoding a Graph in valid gml format.
GMLTokenizer This class is used to parse a valid stream from a reader, which contains well formed gml.
GMLTokenizer.DebugCallback An implementation of the callback which can be used to debug the parser.
GMLTokenizer.EncoderCallback An implementation of the callback, which will call the appropriate methods on an encoder.
GraphObjectEncoder This class is capable of encoding Graph in valid gml format.
GraphParser This class works together with NodeParser and EdgeParser instances.
HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory This factory can be installed with the GMLIOHandler to support the serialization of hierarchic graphs in GML
HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder This class is capable of encoding a Hierarchic Graph in valid gml format.
HierarchicGraphParser This class works together with HierarchyNodeParser and HierarchyEdgeParser instances.
HierarchyEdgeObjectEncoder This class is capable of encoding an edge of a Hierarchic Graph in valid gml format.
HierarchyNodeObjectEncoder This class is capable of encoding a node of a Hierarchic Graph in valid gml format.
HierarchyNodeParser This class is capable of parsing nodes and nested graphs of a Hierarchic Graph from valid gml.
InterEdge This utility class is used to represent inter edges during parsing and encoding of hierarchic graphs using GML
InterEdgeEncoder This class can encode InterEdges in valid GML
InterEdgeParser This class can parse InterEdges from valid GML
ItemParser This class can be used as a base class for parsers, that want to parse items.
LabelGraphicsEncoder This class can encode YLabels in valid GML
LabelGraphicsParser This class will collect the general attributes from the LabelGraphics section in a GML file.
LineParser This class can parse a point list in a GML file.
NodeGraphicsParser This class will parse the nodegraphics section from a valid GML file and create appropriate NodeRealizers
NodeLabelGraphicsEncoder This class can encode NodeLabels in valid GML
NodeObjectEncoder This class can encode Nodes in valid GML
NodeParser This class can parse Nodes from valid GML.
NodeRealizerObjectEncoder This class can encode NodeRealizers in valid GML

Package Description

Provides parser and encoder classes used by GMLIOHandler. Use of this package allows to customize and extend the GML Graph format.

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