Interface ObjectEncoder

All Known Implementing Classes:
EdgeObjectEncoder, EdgeRealizerObjectEncoder, GmlObjectEncoder, GraphObjectEncoder, HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder, HierarchyEdgeObjectEncoder, HierarchyNodeObjectEncoder, InterEdgeEncoder, LabelGraphicsEncoder, NodeObjectEncoder, NodeRealizerObjectEncoder

public interface ObjectEncoder

This Interface is implemented by classes that can encode certain object instances into a GML Stream using the GMLEncoder class

Method Summary
 void encode(Object item, GMLEncoder encoder)
          This method will try to encode the given object using the GMLEncoder

Method Detail


public void encode(Object item,
                   GMLEncoder encoder)
            throws IOException
This method will try to encode the given object using the GMLEncoder

IOException - in the case of an I/O exception
item - the object to be encoded
encoder - an encoder

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