Class LayoutTool


public class LayoutTool
extends Object

This class is a container for several helper and utility functions for the LayoutGraph class.

See Also:

Field Summary
static int CENTER
          Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows.
static int JUSTIFIED
          Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows.
static int LEADING
          Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows.
static int TRAILING
          Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Dimension arrangeRectangleGrid(Rectangle2D[] rects, Rectangle2D finalRect, double viewRatio)
          Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles int rects to fit in a large rectangle, whose bounds will be stored in finalrect.
static int arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[] rects, Rectangle2D finalRect, double viewRatio)
          Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles int rects to fit in a large rectangle, whose bounds will be stored in finalrect.
static int arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[] rects, Rectangle2D finalRect, double viewRatio, int alignment)
          Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles int rects to fit in a large rectangle, whose bounds will be stored in finalrect.
static void assignReverseLayout(LayoutGraph graph, Edge e1, Edge e2)
          Set the layout of two parallel edges with different direction identical.
static void clipEdgeOnBB(LayoutGraph gd, Edge e)
          This helper method clips the path of the edge on the bounding box of the start and end points.
static void clipEdgesOnBB(LayoutGraph gd)
          This helper method clips the path of the edge on the bounding box of the start and end points.
static String edgeLayoutString(LayoutGraph gd, Edge edge)
          Returns the path of the layout of a specific edge as a String.
static Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, EdgeCursor ec)
          Returns the bounding box of the edges accessible through the given edge cursor.
static Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor nc)
          Returns the bounding box of the nodes accessible through the given node cursor.
static Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor nc, EdgeCursor ec)
          Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors.
static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout edge, NodeLayout sourceNode, NodeLayout targetNode)
          This helper method clips the path of an edge on the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout edge, NodeLayout sourceNode, NodeLayout targetNode, double inset)
          This helper method clips the path of ab edge on the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(LayoutGraph gd, Edge edge)
          This helper method clips the path of an edge on the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
static double getNodeDistance(LayoutGraph graph, Node s, Node t)
          Returns the distance between the centers of two nodes
static String getNodePositions(LayoutGraph gd)
          Returns the positions of the nodes of agrapg diagram
static double getPathLength(LayoutGraph graph, Edge e)
          Returns the length of path of a given edge.
static void initDiagram(LayoutGraph gd)
          This method assigns the position (0,0) to all nodes in the graph, and sets the edges to straight lines with ports in the center of the adjacent node.
static boolean isEdgeOutsideNodes(EdgeLayout edge, NodeLayout sourceNode, NodeLayout targetNode, double inset)
          This helper method tests if the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
static boolean isEdgeOutsideNodes(LayoutGraph gd, Edge edge)
          This helper method tests if the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
static void moveEdge(LayoutGraph g, Edge edge, double dx, double dy)
          Moves the edge points of the given edge by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveEdges(LayoutGraph g, EdgeCursor edges, double dx, double dy)
          Moves all edges accessible through the given edge cursor by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveNode(LayoutGraph g, Node node, double dx, double dy)
          Moves the given node by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveNodes(LayoutGraph g, NodeCursor nodes, double dx, double dy)
          Moves all nodes accessible through the given node cursor by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph g, EdgeCursor edges, double dx, double dy)
          Moves the subgraph induced by edges accessible through the given edge cursor by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph g, NodeCursor nodes, double dx, double dy)
          Moves the subgraph induced by nodes accessible through the given node cursor by the vector (dx,dy).
static void removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph gd)
          This helper method removes duplicate bends from all edges in the graph
static void removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph gd, Edge edge)
          This helper method removes duplicate bends from the given edge in the graph
static void resetPath(LayoutGraph gd, Edge edge)
          This helper method assign an trivial path to an edges which has no controllpoints and the ports are in the center of the nodes.
static void resetPaths(LayoutGraph gd)
          This helper method assign an trivial path to all edges which has no controllpoints and the ports are in the center of the nodes.
static void resetPaths(LayoutGraph gd, boolean resetPorts)
          This helper method assign an trivial path to all edges which has no controllpoints
static void resetPorts(LayoutGraph gd)
          Sets the ports to the center of the nodes.
static void reverseEdgeLayout(EdgeLayout el)
          Reverses the layout of an edge.
static void roundEdgeLayout(LayoutGraph gd, Edge edge)
          Round the values of the controllpoints and ports of an edge.
static void roundLayout(LayoutGraph gd)
          Round the values of the layout of an entire layout.
static void roundNodeLayout(LayoutGraph gd, Node node)
          Round the values of the layout of a node.
static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph gd, Edge e1, Edge e2, double lineDistance)
          Routes two edges with are incident to the same nodes, in parallel.
static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph gd, Edge e1, EdgeList list, double lineDistance)
          Routes a list of edges with are incident to the same nodes, in parallel.
static void routeSelfLoop(LayoutGraph gd, Edge e)
          Routes an selfloop.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int LEADING
Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows. Rectangles in one row will be aligned with the leading edge.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRAILING
Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows. Rectangles in one row will be aligned to the trailing edge.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int JUSTIFIED
Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows. Rectangles in one row will be justified in the row.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CENTER
Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows. Rectangles in one row will be centered on the row.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public LayoutTool()
Method Detail


public static double getNodeDistance(LayoutGraph graph,
                                     Node s,
                                     Node t)
Returns the distance between the centers of two nodes


public static double getPathLength(LayoutGraph graph,
                                   Edge e)
Returns the length of path of a given edge. The path starts at the source point traverses through all control points and ends at the target point.


public static void reverseEdgeLayout(EdgeLayout el)
Reverses the layout of an edge. This method reverses the order of points and swaps source with target point.


public static void resetPaths(LayoutGraph gd)
This helper method assign an trivial path to all edges which has no controllpoints and the ports are in the center of the nodes.

gd - a graph diagram.


public static void resetPaths(LayoutGraph gd,
                              boolean resetPorts)
This helper method assign an trivial path to all edges which has no controllpoints

gd - a graph diagram.
resetPorts - whether to reset the ports to the center of the nodes.


public static void resetPath(LayoutGraph gd,
                             Edge edge)
This helper method assign an trivial path to an edges which has no controllpoints and the ports are in the center of the nodes.

gd - a graph diagram.
edge - an edge in graph.


public static void removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph gd)
This helper method removes duplicate bends from all edges in the graph

gd - a graph diagram.


public static void removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph gd,
                                        Edge edge)
This helper method removes duplicate bends from the given edge in the graph

gd - a graph diagram.
edge - the edge.


public static void moveEdge(LayoutGraph g,
                            Edge edge,
                            double dx,
                            double dy)
Moves the edge points of the given edge by the vector (dx,dy).


public static void moveEdges(LayoutGraph g,
                             EdgeCursor edges,
                             double dx,
                             double dy)
Moves all edges accessible through the given edge cursor by the vector (dx,dy).


public static void moveNode(LayoutGraph g,
                            Node node,
                            double dx,
                            double dy)
Moves the given node by the vector (dx,dy).


public static void moveNodes(LayoutGraph g,
                             NodeCursor nodes,
                             double dx,
                             double dy)
Moves all nodes accessible through the given node cursor by the vector (dx,dy).


public static void moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph g,
                                EdgeCursor edges,
                                double dx,
                                double dy)
Moves the subgraph induced by edges accessible through the given edge cursor by the vector (dx,dy).


public static void moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph g,
                                NodeCursor nodes,
                                double dx,
                                double dy)
Moves the subgraph induced by nodes accessible through the given node cursor by the vector (dx,dy).


public static Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                         NodeCursor nc,
                                         EdgeCursor ec)
Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors.


public static Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                         NodeCursor nc)
Returns the bounding box of the nodes accessible through the given node cursor.


public static Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                         EdgeCursor ec)
Returns the bounding box of the edges accessible through the given edge cursor.


public static void resetPorts(LayoutGraph gd)
Sets the ports to the center of the nodes.

gd - a graph diagram.


public static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout edge,
                                            NodeLayout sourceNode,
                                            NodeLayout targetNode)
This helper method clips the path of an edge on the bounding box of the start and end vertices.


public static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(LayoutGraph gd,
                                            Edge edge)
This helper method clips the path of an edge on the bounding box of the start and end vertices.


public static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout edge,
                                            NodeLayout sourceNode,
                                            NodeLayout targetNode,
                                            double inset)
This helper method clips the path of ab edge on the bounding box of the start and end vertices.


public static boolean isEdgeOutsideNodes(LayoutGraph gd,
                                         Edge edge)
This helper method tests if the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the start and end vertices.


public static boolean isEdgeOutsideNodes(EdgeLayout edge,
                                         NodeLayout sourceNode,
                                         NodeLayout targetNode,
                                         double inset)
This helper method tests if the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the start and end vertices.


public static void clipEdgesOnBB(LayoutGraph gd)
This helper method clips the path of the edge on the bounding box of the start and end points.


public static void clipEdgeOnBB(LayoutGraph gd,
                                Edge e)
This helper method clips the path of the edge on the bounding box of the start and end points.


public static String edgeLayoutString(LayoutGraph gd,
                                      Edge edge)
Returns the path of the layout of a specific edge as a String.


public static void roundNodeLayout(LayoutGraph gd,
                                   Node node)
Round the values of the layout of a node.


public static void roundEdgeLayout(LayoutGraph gd,
                                   Edge edge)
Round the values of the controllpoints and ports of an edge.


public static void roundLayout(LayoutGraph gd)
Round the values of the layout of an entire layout.


public static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph gd,
                                      Edge e1,
                                      Edge e2,
                                      double lineDistance)
Routes two edges with are incident to the same nodes, in parallel.


public static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph gd,
                                      Edge e1,
                                      EdgeList list,
                                      double lineDistance)
Routes a list of edges with are incident to the same nodes, in parallel. Precondition: The graphdiagram is in ported mode.


public static void routeSelfLoop(LayoutGraph gd,
                                 Edge e)
Routes an selfloop.

e - An edge with e.source.equals(e.target).


public static void assignReverseLayout(LayoutGraph graph,
                                       Edge e1,
                                       Edge e2)
Set the layout of two parallel edges with different direction identical.

e1 - the edge for which the points are set.
e2 - the template.


public static String getNodePositions(LayoutGraph gd)
Returns the positions of the nodes of agrapg diagram


public static void initDiagram(LayoutGraph gd)
This method assigns the position (0,0) to all nodes in the graph, and sets the edges to straight lines with ports in the center of the adjacent node.


public static final int arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[] rects,
                                             Rectangle2D finalRect,
                                             double viewRatio)
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles int rects to fit in a large rectangle, whose bounds will be stored in finalrect. This procedure tries to generate a final rectangle, whose aspect ratio is as close as possible to viewRatio. This is achieved by arranging the rectangles in a rows. The number of used rows will be returned. This method invokes arrangeRectangleRows with LEADING as the last argument.

rects - the rectangles whose coordinates will be modified
finalRect - the exact dimension will be placed in this rectangle
viewRatio - the preferred ratio of the resulting bounds
the number of used rows


public static final Dimension arrangeRectangleGrid(Rectangle2D[] rects,
                                                   Rectangle2D finalRect,
                                                   double viewRatio)
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles int rects to fit in a large rectangle, whose bounds will be stored in finalrect. This procedure tries to generate a final rectangle, whose aspect ratio is as close as possible to viewRatio. This is achieved by arranging the rectangles in a gridlike fashion. The dimension of this grid will be returned.

rects - the rectangles whose, coordinates will be modified
finalRect - the exact dimension will be placed in this rectangle
viewRatio - the preferred ratio of the grid
the dimension of the grid


public static final int arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[] rects,
                                             Rectangle2D finalRect,
                                             double viewRatio,
                                             int alignment)
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles int rects to fit in a large rectangle, whose bounds will be stored in finalrect. This procedure tries to generate a final rectangle, whose aspect ratio is as close as possible to viewRatio. This is achieved by arranging the rectangles in a rows. The number of used rows will be returned.

alignment - determines the alignment policy for rows, that are not completely filled.
rects - the rectangles whose coordinates will be modified
finalRect - the exact dimension will be placed in this rectangle
viewRatio - the preferred ratio of the resulting bounds
the number of used rows

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