Interface EdgeCursor

All Superinterfaces:

public interface EdgeCursor
extends YCursor

A cursor interface for iterating over edges.

Method Summary
 void cyclicNext()
          Moves the cursor to the cyclic next element of the underlying sequence.
 void cyclicPrev()
          Moves the cursor to the cyclic previous element of the underlying sequence.
 Edge edge()
          Returns the edge at the current location of the cursor.
Methods inherited from interface y.base.YCursor
current, next, ok, prev, size, toFirst, toLast

Method Detail


public Edge edge()
Returns the edge at the current location of the cursor. This method is the typed variant of current().

the edge currently pointed to by this cursor.


public void cyclicNext()
Moves the cursor to the cyclic next element of the underlying sequence. This is the next element if available, if not available it is the first element.


public void cyclicPrev()
Moves the cursor to the cyclic previous element of the underlying sequence. This is the previous element if available, if not available it is the last element.

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