Class AbstractDrawer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
LinearSegmentsDrawer, MedianLinearSegmentDrawer, PendularDrawer, PolylineDrawer, SimplexDrawer, TreeDrawer

public abstract class AbstractDrawer
extends Object
implements Drawer

Abstract base class for the third phase of the sugiyama algorithm. It assigns the coordinates to the nodes according to the defined rangs. It provides methods to assign the Y-Coordinates to the nodes.

Field Summary
protected  NodeMap distanceToNextNode
protected  NodeMap dummyMap
protected  Object edgeLengthKey
protected  LayoutGraph graph
protected  double minimalEdgeDistance
protected  double minimalLayerDistance
protected  double minimalMultiEdgeDistance
protected  double minimalNodeDistance
Fields inherited from interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph g, NodeList[] layerLists, DataProvider layerID)
          Binds the specified graph to this drawer and calls the abstract method AbstractDrawer.assignCoordinates(NodeList[],DataProvider)
protected abstract  void assignCoordinates(NodeList[] layerLists, DataProvider layerID)
          Overwrite this method to assign the final coordinates to the objects of he graph.
 void assignYCoords(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor[] layers)
          Assign the y coordinates to the nodes respecting the minimal layer distance.
 void assignYCoords(LayoutGraph graph, NodeList[] layerLists)
          Assign the y coordinates to the nodes respecting the minimal layer distance.
protected  void dispose()
          Frees allocated resources after the drawwer is finished.
 double getBottomBorder(Node v)
          Returns the height of the bottom border of the given node.
 double getBottomHalf(Node v)
          Returns the height of the border-obeying bottom half of the node,
 double getBottomY(Node v)
          Returns the border obeying bottom y-coordinate of the given node.
protected  double getDistanceToNextNode(Node v)
          Returns the minimal distance between the right border of the given node and the left border of its right hand side neighbor in the layer.
 double getFullHeight(Node v)
          Returns the border obeying full height of the given node.
 double getFullWidth(Node v)
          Returns the border obeying full width of the given node.
 double getLeftBorder(Node v)
          Returns the width of the left border of the given node.
 double getLeftHalf(Node v)
          Returns the width of the border-obeying left half of the node,
 double getLeftX(Node v)
          Returns the border obeying left x-coordinate of the given node.
 double getMinimalEdgeDistance()
          Returns the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.
 double getMinimalLayerDistance()
          Returns the minimal distance between two layers.
 double getMinimalMultiEdgeDistance()
          Returns the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target in the same layer.
 double getMinimalNodeDistance()
          Returns the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.
 double getRightBorder(Node v)
          Returns the width of the right border of the given node.
 double getRightHalf(Node v)
          Returns the width of the border-obeying right half of the node,
 double getRightX(Node v)
          Returns the border obeying right x-coordinate of the given node.
 double getTopBorder(Node v)
          Returns the height of the top border of the given node.
 double getTopHalf(Node v)
          Returns the height of the border-obeying top half of the node,
 double getTopY(Node v)
          Returns the border obeying top y-coordinate of the given node.
protected  void initializeDistancesToNextNode(NodeList[] layerLists)
          Initializes the minimal distances between the right border of a node and the left border of its right hand side neighbor in a layer.
 void setDummyMap(NodeMap dummy)
          Gives the drawer the opportunity to distinguish between dummy nodes and real ones. dummy stores the original edge for each dummy node or null for real nodes.
 void setEdgeLengthKey(Object key)
          Set the key to the data provider, which stores the length of the edges.
 void setMinimalEdgeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.
 void setMinimalLayerDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two layers.
 void setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target in the same layer.
 void setMinimalNodeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected double minimalNodeDistance


protected double minimalLayerDistance


protected double minimalEdgeDistance


protected double minimalMultiEdgeDistance


protected NodeMap dummyMap


protected Object edgeLengthKey


protected LayoutGraph graph


protected NodeMap distanceToNextNode
Constructor Detail


public AbstractDrawer()
Method Detail


public void setMinimalEdgeDistance(double d)
Sets the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.

Specified by:
setMinimalEdgeDistance in interface Drawer


public void setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double d)
Sets the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target in the same layer.

Specified by:
setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance in interface Drawer


public double getMinimalEdgeDistance()
Returns the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.


public double getMinimalMultiEdgeDistance()
Returns the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target in the same layer.


public void setMinimalNodeDistance(double d)
Sets the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.

Specified by:
setMinimalNodeDistance in interface Drawer


public void setMinimalLayerDistance(double d)
Sets the minimal distance between two layers.

Specified by:
setMinimalLayerDistance in interface Drawer


public void setDummyMap(NodeMap dummy)
Gives the drawer the opportunity to distinguish between dummy nodes and real ones. dummy stores the original edge for each dummy node or null for real nodes.

Specified by:
setDummyMap in interface Drawer


public double getMinimalNodeDistance()
Returns the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.


public double getMinimalLayerDistance()
Returns the minimal distance between two layers.


public void setEdgeLengthKey(Object key)
Set the key to the data provider, which stores the length of the edges. Remark: Edges, which are split in the firts phase do no longer supply lengths. This should not be to criticall as they span at least two layers and are so hopefully long enough.


public void assignYCoords(LayoutGraph graph,
                          NodeList[] layerLists)
Assign the y coordinates to the nodes respecting the minimal layer distance.


public void assignYCoords(LayoutGraph graph,
                          NodeCursor[] layers)
Assign the y coordinates to the nodes respecting the minimal layer distance.


public void assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph g,
                              NodeList[] layerLists,
                              DataProvider layerID)
Binds the specified graph to this drawer and calls the abstract method AbstractDrawer.assignCoordinates(NodeList[],DataProvider)

Specified by:
assignCoordinates in interface Drawer


protected abstract void assignCoordinates(NodeList[] layerLists,
                                          DataProvider layerID)
Overwrite this method to assign the final coordinates to the objects of he graph.


public double getLeftX(Node v)
Returns the border obeying left x-coordinate of the given node.


public double getRightX(Node v)
Returns the border obeying right x-coordinate of the given node.


public double getTopY(Node v)
Returns the border obeying top y-coordinate of the given node.


public double getBottomY(Node v)
Returns the border obeying bottom y-coordinate of the given node.


public double getFullWidth(Node v)
Returns the border obeying full width of the given node.


public double getFullHeight(Node v)
Returns the border obeying full height of the given node.


public double getLeftBorder(Node v)
Returns the width of the left border of the given node.


public double getRightBorder(Node v)
Returns the width of the right border of the given node.


public double getTopBorder(Node v)
Returns the height of the top border of the given node.


public double getBottomBorder(Node v)
Returns the height of the bottom border of the given node.


public double getLeftHalf(Node v)
Returns the width of the border-obeying left half of the node,


public double getRightHalf(Node v)
Returns the width of the border-obeying right half of the node,


public double getTopHalf(Node v)
Returns the height of the border-obeying top half of the node,


public double getBottomHalf(Node v)
Returns the height of the border-obeying bottom half of the node,


protected void initializeDistancesToNextNode(NodeList[] layerLists)
Initializes the minimal distances between the right border of a node and the left border of its right hand side neighbor in a layer.

See Also:
AbstractDrawer.getDistanceToNextNode(Node), AbstractDrawer.distanceToNextNode


protected double getDistanceToNextNode(Node v)
Returns the minimal distance between the right border of the given node and the left border of its right hand side neighbor in the layer. Node minimal node distances are constructed by using the values provided by the dataproviders that are re gistered with the input graph under the keys Drawer.NODE_DISTANCE, Drawer.NODE_BORDER_LEFT and Drawer.NODE_BORDER_RIGHT.


protected void dispose()
Frees allocated resources after the drawwer is finished.

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yWorks GmbH.
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