Interface Drawer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDrawer, MedianDrawerWrapper

public interface Drawer

Interface for the third phase of the sugiyama algorithm. It assigns the coordinates to the nodes according to the defined range.

Field Summary
          The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
static Object NODE_BORDER_LEFT
          The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
          The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
static Object NODE_BORDER_TOP
          The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
static Object NODE_DISTANCE
          The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
Method Summary
 void assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph g, NodeList[] layerLists, DataProvider layerID)
          This method assigns the coordinates to the nodes.
 void setDummyMap(NodeMap dummy)
          Gives the drawer the opportunity to distinguish between dummy nodes and real ones. dummy stores the original edge for each dummy node or null for real nodes.
 void setMinimalEdgeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.
 void setMinimalLayerDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two layers.
 void setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target (aka multiedges) in the same layer.
 void setMinimalNodeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.

Field Detail


public static final Object NODE_BORDER_LEFT
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph. The provided value is an additional overlap-free border added to the left side of the associated node.

Drawer implementations may ignore the data provided.


public static final Object NODE_BORDER_RIGHT
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph. The provided value is an additional overlap-free border added to the right side of the associated node.

Drawer implementations may ignore the data provided.


public static final Object NODE_BORDER_TOP
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph. The provided value is an additional overlap-free border added to the top side of the associated node.

Drawer implementations may ignore the data provided.


public static final Object NODE_BORDER_BOTTOM
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph. The provided value is an additional overlap-free border added to the bottom side of the associated node.

Drawer implementations may ignore the data provided.


public static final Object NODE_DISTANCE
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph. The provided value specifies the minimum distance between the right border of the node and the left border of its righthand neighbor in the layer.

If a data provider with this key is registered with the input graph then the distance values set by the methods Drawer.setMinimalNodeDistance(double), Drawer.setMinimalEdgeDistance(double) and Drawer.setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double) will be ignored.

Drawer implementations may ignore the data provided.

Method Detail


public void assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph g,
                              NodeList[] layerLists,
                              DataProvider layerID)
This method assigns the coordinates to the nodes.


public void setDummyMap(NodeMap dummy)
Gives the drawer the opportunity to distinguish between dummy nodes and real ones. dummy stores the original edge for each dummy node or null for real nodes.


public void setMinimalNodeDistance(double d)
Sets the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.


public void setMinimalEdgeDistance(double d)
Sets the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.


public void setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double d)
Sets the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target (aka multiedges) in the same layer.


public void setMinimalLayerDistance(double d)
Sets the minimal distance between two layers.

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