Class HierarchyCreateEdgeMode

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, MouseInputListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener

public class HierarchyCreateEdgeMode
extends CreateEdgeMode

A specialized CreateEdgeMode suitable for graphs that contain groups nodes.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class y.view.ViewMode
lastClickEvent, lastDragEvent, lastPressEvent, lastReleaseEvent, originalX, originalY, view
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean acceptBend(Node start, Node hitNode, double x, double y)
          Apart from the default behaviour, also accept a bend if its coordinate lies within the inner region of a group node.
Methods inherited from class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
acceptSourceNode, acceptTargetNode, allowBendCreation, allowSelfloopCreation, cancelEdgeCreation, createDummyEdgeRealizer, createDummySourceNodeRealizer, createDummyTargetNodeRealizer, doAllowBendCreation, doAllowSelfloopCreation, edgeCreated, edgeMoved, getCancelKeyCode, getDummyEdgeRealizer, getDummySourceNodeRealizer, getDummyTargetNodeRealizer, init, mouseDraggedLeft, mouseMoved, mousePressedLeft, mouseReleasedLeft, mouseReleasedRight, mouseShiftPressedLeft, mouseShiftReleasedLeft, reactivateParent, setCancelKeyCode, sourceNodeDeclined, targetNodeDeclined
Methods inherited from class y.view.ViewMode
activate, getGraph2D, getGridX, getGridY, getHitInfo, getHitInfo, getLastHitInfo, getName, isGrabFocusEnabled, isGridMode, mouseClicked, mouseClicked, mouseDragged, mouseDraggedMiddle, mouseDraggedRight, mouseEntered, mouseExited, mouseMoved, mousePressed, mousePressedMiddle, mousePressedRight, mouseReleased, mouseReleased, mouseReleasedMiddle, mouseShiftPressedMiddle, mouseShiftPressedRight, mouseShiftReleasedMiddle, mouseShiftReleasedRight, setActiveView, setChild, setChild, setGrabFocusEnabled, setGridMode, setLastHitInfo, setName, setParent, translateX, translateY
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HierarchyCreateEdgeMode()
Method Detail


protected boolean acceptBend(Node start,
                             Node hitNode,
                             double x,
                             double y)
Apart from the default behaviour, also accept a bend if its coordinate lies within the inner region of a group node. A coordinate that lies on the border of the group node will not be accepted.

acceptBend in class CreateEdgeMode
start - the node from where edge creation started
hitNode - the node that was hit at the given location
x - the x-coordinate of the current location
y - the y-coordinate of the current location

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