Package y.view.hierarchy

Provides classes for managing and viewing a nested hierarchy of graphs.


Interface Summary
AutoBoundsFeature Additional interface for node realizers whose bounds may be determined by other factors then explicit bound assignment.
HierarchyListener The listener interface for receiving HierarchyEvents.
HierarchyManager.NodeVisitor Callback interface that allows to perform some action when nodes within the hierarchy get visited in a certain order.
InterEdgeConfigurator This class will be used as a callback by the HierarchyManager whenever the state of an edge/interedge changes.

Class Summary
DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory This is the default graph factory used by HierarchyManager to create and configure new graph elements within the hierarchy.
DefaultInterEdgeConfigurator This default implementation of the InterEdgeConfigurator performs some simple heuristics.
DefaultNodeChangePropagator This Graph2DListeners translates incoming Graph2DEvents that signal node label changes to hierarchy events that signal node changes.
Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager This class provides undoability and redoability support for a hierarchy of graphs.
GroupLayoutConfigurator This convenience class helps to prepare a hierarchically grouped Graph2D for an automatic assignment of layout information.
GroupNodeRealizer A node realizer that is crafted to represent group and folder nodes within a graph hierarchy.
GroupNodeRealizer.StateChangeListener This static inner class can be used to automatically adjust the groupClosed property of GroupNodeRealizer instances.
HierarchyCreateEdgeMode A specialized CreateEdgeMode suitable for graphs that contain groups nodes.
HierarchyEditMode A specialized EditMode suitable for editing hierarchically organized graphs.
HierarchyEvent Encapsulates information describing changes to a graph hierarchy and used to notify hierarchy listeners of the change.
HierarchyHotSpotMode A specialized HotSpotMode suitable for editing hierarchically organized graphs.
HierarchyJTree A JTree configured to display the hierarchically organized nodes within a HierarchyManager.
HierarchyManager This class manages a hierarchy of grouped nodes and nested graphs.
HierarchyMoveSelectionMode A specialized MoveSelectionMode suitable for graphs that contain group nodes.
HierarchySelectionBoxMode A specialized SelectionBoxMode suitable for graphs that contain group nodes.
HierarchyTreeCellRenderer Default TreeCellRenderer to visualize elements within HierarchyTreeModel.
HierarchyTreeModel This class represents a tree model view of a graph hierarchy managed by HierarchyManager.
HierarchyTreeSelectionModel This TreeSelectionModel represents the selection state of the nodes within a graph hierarchy.
ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer A proxy node realizer that implements the auto bounds feature.

Package y.view.hierarchy Description

Provides classes for managing and viewing a nested hierarchy of graphs. Most prominent class of this package is HierarchyManager.

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