Interface EdgeMap

All Superinterfaces:
DataAcceptor, DataProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EdgeMap
extends DataProvider, DataAcceptor

Provides access to data associated with an edge. A edge map can be considered as a map that allows only edges as keys. Edge keys of an edge map must belong to the same graph.

There are data accessor methods defined for the most common typed values as well.

The edge values are initialized with java default values (null, 0, 0.0, false) upon initialisation.

Method Summary
 Object get(Object edge)
          Returns the value bound to the given edge.
 boolean getBool(Object edge)
          Returns the boolean value bound to the given edge.
 double getDouble(Object edge)
          Returns the double value bound to the given edge.
 int getInt(Object edge)
          Returns the integer value bound to the given edge.
 void set(Object edge, Object value)
          Associates the given value to the given edge.
 void setBool(Object edge, boolean value)
          Associates the given boolean value to the given edge.
 void setDouble(Object edge, double value)
          Associates the given double value to the given edge.
 void setInt(Object edge, int value)
          Associates the given integer value to the given edge.

Method Detail


public void set(Object edge,
                Object value)
Associates the given value to the given edge.

Specified by:
set in interface DataAcceptor


public Object get(Object edge)
Returns the value bound to the given edge.

Specified by:
get in interface DataProvider


public void setBool(Object edge,
                    boolean value)
Associates the given boolean value to the given edge.

Specified by:
setBool in interface DataAcceptor


public boolean getBool(Object edge)
Returns the boolean value bound to the given edge.

Precondition: The value must have been associated to the given edge by a call to setBool.

Specified by:
getBool in interface DataProvider


public void setDouble(Object edge,
                      double value)
Associates the given double value to the given edge.

Specified by:
setDouble in interface DataAcceptor


public double getDouble(Object edge)
Returns the double value bound to the given edge.

Precondition: The value must have been associated to the given edge by a call to setDouble.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface DataProvider


public void setInt(Object edge,
                   int value)
Associates the given integer value to the given edge.

Specified by:
setInt in interface DataAcceptor


public int getInt(Object edge)
Returns the integer value bound to the given edge.

Precondition: The value must have been associated to the given edge by a call to setInt.

Specified by:
getInt in interface DataProvider

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