Class DefaultInterEdgeConfigurator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultInterEdgeConfigurator
extends Object
implements InterEdgeConfigurator

This default implementation of the InterEdgeConfigurator performs some simple heuristics.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void configureEdge(Edge edge, boolean wasInterEdge, Node formerSource, Node formerTarget)
          This method will remove all bend and port information in the case an interedge is converted back to a normal edge.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultInterEdgeConfigurator()
Method Detail


public void configureEdge(Edge edge,
                          boolean wasInterEdge,
                          Node formerSource,
                          Node formerTarget)
This method will remove all bend and port information in the case an interedge is converted back to a normal edge. In all over cases the port of either the source node or the target node will be reset, depending on which one of these changed

Specified by:
configureEdge in interface InterEdgeConfigurator
edge - The edge, which exists in the graph, after the change
wasInterEdge - whether this edge was an interedge before this call
formerSource - the former source node, which may now be somewhere else
formerTarget - the former target node, which may now be somewhere else

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