Interface InterEdgeConfigurator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InterEdgeConfigurator

This class will be used as a callback by the HierarchyManager whenever the state of an edge/interedge changes. This class can then perform suitable necessary (visible) modifications to the edge at will.

Method Summary
 void configureEdge(Edge edge, boolean wasInterEdge, Node formerSource, Node formerTarget)
          This method will be called by the HierarchyManager every time the state of an edge or interedge changes, i.e. every time an edge gets a new target or source node assigned.

Method Detail


public void configureEdge(Edge edge,
                          boolean wasInterEdge,
                          Node formerSource,
                          Node formerTarget)
This method will be called by the HierarchyManager every time the state of an edge or interedge changes, i.e. every time an edge gets a new target or source node assigned. Implementations can use this information to modify the visual appearance of the edge, for example. This should only be done by modifying or replacing the realizers, the structure of the graph should remain unchanged. Note that the realizers are not automatically backed up in case there is an undomanager installed. In this case, this method must perform the suitable actions.

edge - The edge, which exists in the graph, after the change
wasInterEdge - whether this edge was an interedge before this call
formerSource - the former source node, which may now be somewhere else
formerTarget - the former target node, which may now be somewhere else

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